Colors of Raining... Spring!

The grandiosity of the Gulmohar
is a woven tapestry
of glowing fire!

The searing heat has returned
to the eidetic green-gold.
Trickle by trickle,
giving courage to drops:
The rain has at last arrived,
turning all arid spots
into galaxies of water-holes!

Nectarine sky-grounds
are showering torrential sprays
of elixir, accurately,
touching my tresses, kissing my lips,
and brow!

Water is corroborating with the rain: Everywhere.
Water at sea!
Water on my nose!
Water diving into my boats!
Water on my blue roan:
Cocker Spaniel’s coat!

Bathing all shapes and sizes,
with the same mark of
Taking away our pallor.
Renumerating us — All the time!
Heavens’ skills are adorable!

26th May 1999

Geeta Chhabra

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