Different Dialogues: Neena Singh

Interview with Extended & Enlarged Version of Neena Singh – Painter. Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai-India.

Educational Background: B.A. from Lucknow University. M.A. MPhil in Sociology from Institute of Advanced Studies, Meerut University. PhD in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Professional Background: Qualified in Civil Services Examination – conducted by the UPSC. Joined Indian Revenue Service in 1988 in Income Tax Department. Presently, posted as Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai.

As Creative Artist – has held several solo shows of her paintings in many iconic galleries including Jehangir Art Gallery-Mumbai, Lalit Kala Akademi-New Delhi, Cymroza Art Gallery-Mumbai, Red Earth Gallery-Baroda and several others. She has won a number of awards and has also been invited to participate in prestigious group shows in India and abroad. Her art works were selected for The National Exhibition conducted by The Lalit Kala Akademi. Her paintings have been chosen for the Biannual Exhibitions of the American Juried Art Competition 2013 ‘Depicting Contemporary Life and the Urban Experience’ by the artquenchgallery.com. The gallery featured her in: Art Quench Magazine. Her solo exhibition Celestial Notations held at Lalit Kala Akademi featured in India Art Show by Press TV Iran.

When a painter shows a composition created by his perception, the light that shines on his face crowns his feelings for his creative production. From the point of perception, one of the most striking strokes come from Neena Singh's brushwork. And how!

As the profession goes – Neena Singh qualified for Civil Services Examinations conducted by the UPSC, and she joined Indian Revenue Service in the year 1988 in the Income Tax Department. During her career, she has handled various challenging assignments. Currently, she is posted as Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai-India.

As we talked about her life, sitting in a restaurant in Mumbai – in the Churchgate area: Neena described the details of her childhood days with a subdued vivacity. She explains, 'I knew, I would do something with my life! As a child, I thought of becoming a famous writer! Long hours were spent in the school library. My only friends were books – because of my conservative bringing up, I was not allowed to go out. This was a very small town, the town where my father was posted. So, the library's space got me interested where I was reading books of philosophy, literature, poetry, novels, many biographies. I was the only one who frequented the school library, hence, the librarians were fond of me. '

The loneliness that Neena felt in the small town in Biswan of Uttar Pradesh-India was filled up with her devotional hours in books and intense schooling: to top in the Board Examinations for the 10th Grade. The same loneliness, in her later years would give her the basis to be self-reliant and resolute.

Neena said, 'My father was an engineer in the Irrigation Department and we were always going to small towns... those were not even towns! Where the canals had to be dug, that's where my father was required, and those places were backward and remote.'

I asked Neena what were her impressions about her childhood years. She replied, 'I am from such a small town. Now I feel my destiny is being guided by my Guru's guidance. It is so wonderful! As for the schools, where I studied – they were rudimentary. For example, in Sitapur District located in eastern U.P ... this town of Biswan was really tiny and sleepy... so tiny that if I go there today, nothing much must have changed there since 1975 when we were there!'

She continued, 'I am grateful to God that I was able to pursue higher studies. I had some challenges to face while I pursued my studies, but I was determined! For college, my maternal grandfather took me to Agra where he lived as a retired person. By the time I arrived in Agra, the admissions were closed, we had been too late to plan my transition from Biswan. However, because of my mark-sheet I got into the 11th Grade.'

'Today, how do you balance your career and you passion for painting?' I asked her. Neena Singh smiled and said, 'I am used to balancing both sides of my life since the last 15 years. It has been tough but having put 27 years in my service, I am adjusted to handling a reasonable balance.'

Our conversation streamed along the lines of Neena Singh's life experiences. On being a single parent, she explains with a sense of achievement how her two daughters are growing up.

'My daughters, Ashta and Akanksha have taught me a lot. They are so loving, they never let me feel 'down' for a minute. Their love is unconditional for me. You see, after the demise of my spouse, there was this vacuum. Books were not curing the emptiness, work was not curing, either.'

It seemed that with the pain of her circumstances, Neena Singh needed something to heal her soul… and painting became the balm!

She says, 'In those early days, I began to paint. Children were growing, studying late in the night. When they were up, I was up, and so I began to paint.' She remembers to mention that during her childhood she had participated in one painting competition where she had won. 'It is my mother's talent from where I have inherited, she states with fondness. 'My mother was sensitive, refined and frail. Our difference in age was less than 18 years, so we were close in many ways. My memories of childhood are of her, and how I spent a lot of my time with Nature... sitting beneath trees.'

Going back to Neena's college days, I learnt that she excelled as a scholarship-holder to pursue further studies. When she got selected in JNU – Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, she did M.Phil. and PhD. in Sociology in 1983-84. Earlier to those years, she became a graduate in English Literature and Psychology from Lucknow University. She ranked 3rd in position.

Over time, Neena Singh became more and more focused. She says, 'There was a gender issue around my future, always. People were casual about my future, especially, when life showed me some very rough times in my personal life.'

I could see her emotions in her voice. It was also easy for me to observe and know the courageous streak in the person whom I happened to meet and become friends with over a chance meeting! Yes, I met Neena Singh by a freak chance! A good-freak chance!!

I asked her, 'And coming to your art, how is it going? Where is it going?' My friend replies, 'It takes a long time for an artist to evolve and arrive at a language of his own. I have been lucky with the grace from God that in a relatively short span, I have been able to evolve with a language. I am blessed.'

She elaborates on the aspect of spirituality and says, 'I can connect those dots – now, I can see there when I look back. I realize there is a higher force guiding your destiny.'

'So, how are you evolving with your creative work?' I ask the artist in Neena Singh. Her reply is almost instant. 'At the present stage, I am consciously trying to challenge myself to do something new and different... since I don't want to settle down in my comfort zone. I have seen many artists settling back – once they have got recognition. This should not happen because then the growth stops. My ascending voyage means I must experiment with newer things.'

As my interview came to a close, Neena Singh concluded, 'I always felt protected as if there was a "Presence" protecting me. She pauses and then continues, 'Painting is not a choice, it is an inner-compulsion. It enables me "to be", and "to become".

She explains, 'Often, I have been asked what was I thinking when I painted a particular painting. You know, I have realized that while painting I wasn't thinking! Those are the only times when I am not thinking... while I am experiencing and struggling to express. This process is beyond any words... for these are creations of solitude, complete solitude where I transcend....'

The evening crowd was building up in the restaurant as we moved towards our cars. I folded the sheaf of papers containing my dialogue with Neena Singh. The hours had flown quickly, and the interview by itself, was an engrossing experience for me. I think, for Neena Singh, too, our meeting had been more than a dry, clinical interview – because between those lines, we had shared a lot.

I was thinking: just as my artist-friend’s paintings create all possible shapes of her emotions – this interview had left an impression… a deep impression to stay on in me.

As my car sped homewards – I continued to ponder on the fraternity belonging to painters, poets, writers. They are all the same… sensitive and keenly sharp. My vision revealed Neena Singh as someone who can feel and share in the best way through her colours and canvases.

Q 1. What has been the turning point of your life?
A. As I belong to a conservative family with a patriarchal mindset, I realized that I had to be independent – not just financially but also have a job that was considered prestigious which would enable me to become my own person and live authentically. Qualifying in civil services and joining IRS was a turning point in the sense that I was finally able to decide the direction of my life. The second turning point came the day I picked up a paint brush again, which was sort of a re-birth for me.

Q 2. If you could go back in time, what would you want to do?
 A. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do things which I didn’t believe in.

Q 3. What are your future dreams?
A. I dream of a beautiful sea-facing huge house, where natural light would filter in through large French windows, with plenty of books around me, music playing in the background and the best of paint and brushes, a meditation mat, a healthy me and grandchildren to spoil! Days when I will be free to paint whenever I have the urge to.

Extended Interview of Neena Singh – Painter. Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai-India.

Educational Background: B.A. from Lucknow University. M.A. MPhil in Sociology from Institute of Advanced Studies, Meerut University.  PhD in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Professional Background: Qualified in Civil Services Examination – conducted by the UPSC. Joined Indian Revenue Service in 1988 in Income Tax Department. Presently, posted as Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai-India.

Q 1. In your view, what is most important in life? Accordingly, name three aspects, important in life.
A. In my view it is very difficult to pin point as to what is most important in life. I don't think that there could be a standard and permanent answer to this. The importance would depend where you are in the journey of life. If, I am a poor woman below poverty line my most important thing could be my next meal. If, I am educated and reasonably well off the most important things would be physical and mental health of myself and my family, to live authentically, to grow spiritually and be genuinely happy and peaceful and fulfilled. At present, for me three aspects important in life are good health, reasonable amount of money and positive attitude.

Q 2. If you were not doing what you are doing now, what would you be doing?
A. I am a civil servant by profession. I am artist by necessity. These two together utilize my capabilities in the best possible manner. If, I was not a civil servant most likely, I would be an author and would also associate myself with kids in some manner.

Q 3. What motivates you to achieve your goals?
A. I am the kind of person who believes in doing whatever is at hand with full commitment. As I am growing constantly my goals keep shifting. The motivation is life itself. The idea is to live each day fully as it comes and not to have predetermined and predefined goals.

Q 4. How do you handle stress and pressure?
A. By nature I am a detached person and pressure and stress of my professional life does not affect my core being. As I am an artist I am constantly engaged with new thoughts, new visions, new philosophies and new unchartered horizons. Generally speaking, I don't get stressed and don't feel any pressure. I think the act of painting, reading and meditation keeps me very centered.

Q 5. Which of your qualities would you want to pass down to your child/children?
A. To remain positive. To have faith in the process of life under any adverse circumstances. To love and support unconditionally.

Q 6. Who is your favorite author? Which book of your favorite author have you enjoyed the best?
A. I have a number of favorite authors. The book that I have enjoyed the best and which has impacted me the most is Autobiography of a Yogi by Shri Paramhanasa Yogananada. The book changed the course of my life.

Q 7. What are you pursuing currently, by the way of a light hobby, or by the way of a serious goal?
A. Presently, I am working on a new series of paintings on paper. The series is inspired by writings of Bell Hooks. Her book "All About Love - New Vision's" starts with a quote of Jack Kornfied GRACE: TOUCHED BY LOVE: "It is possible to speak with our heart directly. Most ancient cultures know this. We can actually converse with our heart as if it were a good friend…. In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts that we have lost this essential art of taking time to converse with our heart." I paint daily and this activity is like conversing with my heart. The act of painting is neither a light hobby nor a serious goal. It is a necessity and it pursues itself.

Q 8. In the last one year, is your particular goal advancing? Which is that goal/dream?
A. In the last one year I have really worked on myself to break away from certain behavioral patterns. I have largely succeeded. My dream is to paint a series on Banaras. Somehow it has not advanced much.

Enlarged Interview of Neena Singh – Painter. Commissioner of Income Tax in Mumbai-India.

Q 1. What is unique about your work/business?
A. I perform dual roles as a civil servant and as an artist. In fact, I have been a civil servant by the day and an artist by the night. My work as a civil servant was a necessity and, painting was my innermost calling. By collecting tax which was due to the government, I became an integral part of nation-building which was hugely satisfying but, I know that there was a part of me which was yearning for something more. I yearned to create something and wanted to explore and express the innermost fibers of my being. The act of painting made me feel that my existence was linked in a meaningful way with the rest of the universe. So, I think that performing these dual roles was an amazing combination as painting enabled me to create the capacity to alchemize and transform ordinary daily living into something else, almost magical.

Q 2. What do you need in your workspace to help you stay focussed?
A. Good ventilation, natural light, quietness, minimalist decor, greenery around me.

Q 3. How do you balance your work and personal life?
A. I followed a dictum to adhere to office timings which was 9.30am to 6pm on working days and generally no office work on weekends unless unavoidable. Time beyond evening was spent with my daughters, reading, painting, walking. I think the balance came organically.

Q 4. Do you view your work as a kind of a spiritual practice in any way. If so, in which way?
A. Yes, in both roles, as a civil servant and as an artist, I always felt that work was a sort of spiritual practice. My job as a tax administrator connected me to so many people from different walks of life and I got to learn a lot. The demands of the job offered me opportunities to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. I knew that tax collected was used in the service of the less privileged and I felt it was divine will that I serve in this capacity. As an artist creating art was a spiritual experience. My art is intuitive and comes from a source which is beyond intellect and words. I am most alive when I am painting and this is definitely a sign for me that my creative being and the creative power of spirit are in tune with each other and God is working through me.

Q 5. How do you use social media as a person of your stature?
A. As a tax administrator, only authorized spokespersons of the organization are allowed to use social media to disseminate information about initiatives taken by the Central Board of direct Taxes. As an artist, I use Instagram to post my works and through this platform, I connect with contemporary artists / art curators / art enthusiasts from the world over.

Q 6. What traits do you value most in your career or in your personal life?
A. I value integrity and authenticity both in personal and professional life the most.

Q 7. Since disappointments and failures are a part of our life, through your own share have you added any lessons of your learning for yourself?
A. I think by the immense grace of God, I haven’t faced any major disappointments and failures in my job and in my journey as an artist. But yes, maybe I learnt from my father quite early in life that there is no substitute for hard work and perseverance. There are no shortcuts in life and I learnt from my mother that being a genuine and a generous person is equally important.

Q 8. What are your biggest strengths as a professional?
A. I think my capacity to work hard consistently with integrity, my ability to listen, being supportive to those who work with me and to stand up for the right thing are my strengths.

Q9. What are you most proud of in your career so far?
A. I think I am most proud of not having compromised on integrity and honesty throughout my career.

Q10. What is your definition of success? What does success mean to you? Success to me means being financially independent and having the ability to do what you really want to do, having a good reputation, being respected by your seniors, colleagues and staff, living with dignity and honesty.

Q11. Three most important quotes:
A.   1) Be the change that you wish to see in the world - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
2) Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you will find yourself, and that and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life - Pablo Neruda
3) Art is large and it enlarges you and me. To a shrunk-up world, its vistas are shocking. Art is the burning bush that both shelters and makes visible our profounder longings. Through it, we see ourselves in metaphor. Art is metaphor, from the Greek, meta (above) and pherein (to carry) it is that which is carried above the literalness of life. Art is metaphor. Metaphor is transformation - Jeanette Winterson

For more information on Neena Singh kindly click on: http://neenasingh.com

The diarist, Geeta Chhabra, took the interview in August 2015 & February 2020 for www.geetachhabra.com


Geeta Chhabra

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