I Have A Point


Stop wars.
Make peace.


Stop wars.
Erect bridges of understanding.


Stop violence.
Create shelters for the homeless.


Stop violence.
Build schools and hospitals.


Stop War.
Stop War!


Make Peace.
Make Peace!


Stop wars.
Have a dialogue.


Stop wars.
Grow crops.


Stop violence.
End the carnage.


Stop violence.
Poise for serenity.


Stop War.
Stop War!


Make Peace.
Make Peace!


Stop wars.
Cast off hatred.


Stop wars.
Have a dialogue.


Stop violence.
Show tolerance for inter-faith-cultures.


Stop violence.
Emerge with fulfilling ideas.


Stop War.
Stop War!


Make Peace.
Make Peace!


Stop wars.
Wars are not the solution.


Stop wars.
Have a dialogue.


Stop violence.
Be human.


Stop violence.
Listen and be listened.


Stop War.
Stop War!


Make Peace.
Make Peace!



15th March 2015


Geeta Chhabra


From the book: Smash My Glass by Geeta Chhabra

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