A Plastic Ocean is a documentary film, directed by the Australian journalist – Craig Leeson. The film shows how irresponsible corporations (and communities) have been destroying our environment systematically by the rampant and continuous use of plastics.
This documentary film is not an ordinary film – it is up to us to take heed of the message from it. Our oceans are full of toxins due to the dumping of plastics – large, medium, small pieces of plastic are strewn on the floors of seas, worldwide. Marine animals often make the error of eating up plastics which harm not only the animal kingdom but also human beings because the contaminated seafood ends up on our dining-tables. The data in the film shows how trillions of pieces of plastic are lying in our oceans – poisoning our seas. The film presents the amazing shots of the marine world. The brief but various interviews between Leonardo DiCaprio and marine specialists make the film a memorable piece of information, and this information concerns all of us.
The makers of the film convince us effortlessly that our marine animals deserve a much better deal from mankind. How we have already harmed the marine animals is inexcusable. The blue ocean is the domain of beautiful sea animals, but we have converted those oceans into dumping garbage grounds.
The film is brilliant from every single point of its production. We see journalists, scientists, researchers, divers sharing their thoughts on the disastrous situation.
Cinematography by Chiu Yeung Chow & Michael Pitts is outstanding. The joint producers of the film are Daniel Auerbach, Jennifer Davisson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Craig Leeson, Adam Leipzig, Sonjia Norman, Jo Ruxton. A Plastic Ocean was a four year project in the making. It won acclaim in quite a few film festivals.
The following are the places where A Plastic Ocean has won awards:
Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival 2017 – Best Feature Film
Princeton Environmental Film Festival 2017 – Stan Waterman Award
Blue Ocean Film Festival 2017 – Best of Festival
Blue Ocean Film Festival 2017 – Best Ocean Film
Sedona International Film Festival 2017 – Best Documentary (Director’s Choice)
Sedona International Film Festival 2017 – Best Environmental Film (Audience Choice)
Colorado Environmental Film Festival 2017 – Best Feature
Waimea Ocean Film Festival 2017 – Best Film Ocean Environment
Barbados Independent Film Festival 2017 – Ocean Impact Award
A Plastic Ocean was first screened in Sydney on 5th June 2017.
Geeta Chhabra