Book Review: FOOTPRINTS by Maghanmal J. Pancholia

FOOTPRINTS (Memoirs of An Indian Patriarch) – Maghanmal J. Pancholia, is the story of the man who shares his vast experiences of challenges and achievements with his readers. As narrated to Vasanti Sundram, Maghanmal J. Pancholia brings out a comprehensive coverage on UAE, particularly, Dubai. Vasanti Sundram's style of writing is clear-voiced and the vibrant narratives possess the range of fullness – making the book that satisfies on every level.

Maghanmal J. Pancholia was born on 24th October 1924. His childhood was spent in Thatta (Pakistan), and Dubai became his home since 1942. The author is nostalgic about Thatta… Thatta of the undivided India. With quiet pride for his past and present, his dedication note in the book, declares:
To Thatta, a home I can never leave behind
To Dubai, a home I can never let go
To my family and friends
To my parents

The above lines aptly describes the nature of the narrator – who kept track of his dreams. In addition, throughout his life of accomplishments – he remained humble, simple; he never lost touch with reality; he took life's challenges in stride.

FOOTPRINTS is more than the memoirs of a man. FOOTPRINTS contains a wealth of history, set around the years when Dubai was a small coastal town, where pearl trading dived during the great depression of the 1930s – totally ravaging the economy of UAE.

FOOTPRINTS is a sprawling chronicle of a man who with his enormous vision has lived life with zest and integrity. Stalwarts like Maghanmal J. Pancholia play important roles in nation building. It is appropriate to include His Excellency Mirza Al Sayegh's comment on the book: "Footprints – Memoirs of An Indian Patriarch will not only serve as Magabha's personal memoir, it will be held as a historical reference of this emirate by the younger generation, Arabs and Indians alike."

FOOTPRINTS is published by Motivate Publishing.

Geeta Chhabra


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