Different Dialogues : Interview with Extended & Enlarged Interview of Ms. Isobel Abulhoul – Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.

In conversation with Ms. Isobel Abulhoul – Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.


Professional Background: Founder of Magrudy’s Bookstore, Dubai, UAE. Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.  Co-Host of the weekly radio programme Talking Of Books on 103.8 FM.


Awarded the Cultural Personality of the Year by Dr. H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Sharjah in 2010.  An OBE by H.M. Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain in 2012. 

The mid-June morning had a designation for me – that is, I was meeting up with Isobel Abulhoul, at her office in Al Bastakiya.  In this historic district of Dubai, UAE, on the whole level, nothing has really changed in Al Bastakiya and it is not meant to change!  Al Bastakiya’s construction dates back to the 1890’s, when it became an impressionable locality of rich merchants hailing from Bastak region of Iran.  In those days, the wind towers known as bajreels, indicated the wealth and position of the owner.  Now, Al Bastakiya has a small number of traditional shops and art galleries flocking close together, and all it requires is to take a rambling walk to enjoy their displays.  Out here, there are also organizations which manage ideas linked with literature and cultural heritage of the land.  For instance, Isobel Abulhoul has her office here.  She, who founded and is the Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, leaves the everyday humdrum to come to Al Bastakiya to simply enjoy what she enjoys with unending passion: the vision of planning literary events in UAE.


As I alighted from my car, a narrow, not-so-winding lane brought me to the door of Isobel Abulhoul’s work place.  An unknown man in the vicinity was generous enough to show me right up to the door of my destination.  I stepped into a courtyard space matching the features of the surrounding buildings.  I was welcomed into a room that had the effectiveness to display the character of its erstwhile era.  The air-conditioned room was complacently simple and neat.  The flavour of true knowledge was displayed in the form of books standing on shelves.  Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, At Home by Bill Bryson, Crash of the Titans by Greg Farrell, Blue Heaven by C. J. Box remained obvious to my notice.  Posters of TAALEEM – Poetry Award Competition and LitFest (bringing students of all ages to enter) drew my attention even more – while I waited for Isobel Abulhoul.  I was also thinking how in a way, the aura of the room inter-related to offer me an introduction to Isobel, and her dedicated vocation.


First, there is spontaneous warmth in Isobel when I meet her.  And as she requests for us, some lemon-ginger tea, our conversation on how she was initiated into loving books, begins.  She narrates to me how both her parents in Cambridge (UK) were book worms and how in the evenings, the family sat and read.  I learn from her that there were lots of second-hand-books at home along with daily newspapers to catch up with.  ‘My father was a chartered accountant and my mother was a nurse.  Both of them loved me and my brother and they were very encouraging’, Isobel tells me.  ‘I loved school, my uniform, my books.  I was travel-curious, I was never frightened to ask questions – you must ask, otherwise, how will we learn?’  I listen to Isobel, nodding in agreement.  I grasp in no time that Isobel has been an avid reader all her life.  Up to this day, when she has a dozen critical things to assemble and follow: by the way of planning events, guiding those who are assisting her, giving feedback to press and media – Isobel will never miss on book-reading.  ‘I am addicted to books.  I love stories and characters in books.  Reading is leisure.  I love fiction and sample chapters.  I am a dreamer.  Reading is almost like a spiritual experience, because you can have a dialogue with a writer who died a hundred years back, but he has stirred you with his story’, Isobel expresses.  In a philosophy-raising example, she continues, ‘It is very hard to be in two places.  So enjoy the moment.  Enjoy the present.  I walk into the courtyard, I feel the breeze and I take time to just stand there and switch off.  The greatest thoughts come when you switch off’.  I am in no scale of confusion and I tell her so.  I tell her broadly how the ‘Indian’ philosophy works in the same pattern of enjoying: the present moment and how we empty out the non-essentials from our mind to achieve tranquility.  The truth in our conversation expands further.  Isobel is definitely of the view that the paraphernalia of growing materialism is only having the worth of giving us all fleeting happiness.  ‘I think, materialism is a bane.  I feel the greatness in watching the sunset!  I am a bit of a spiritual person.  I also know I have to improve and I am far from perfect.  But I love being what I am and what I am doing’.  I again nod in agreement.


Isobel was born and educated in Cambridge and came to Dubai in 1968 after meeting her husband, Abdullah.  The two, came to know each other while they were in college in Cambridge.  Ever since those years, Dubai has been her home.  Isobel taught at the Dubai Infants School for several years before her involvement in setting up Al Ittihad Private School and soon after co-founded Magrudy’s in 1975.  In addition to Magrudy’s, with the support of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Foundation, Isobel began a new reading and teaching scheme in Arabic, called Bustan Al Qusas, which empowered teachers to write and use their own stories.  In 2008 Isobel founded the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, the Middle East’s largest celebration of the written and spoken word, bringing people of all ages together with authors across the world to promote education, debate and above all else, reading.  Additionally, Isobel enabled 13 Emirati students from Dubai Women’s College to publish their first children’s books that were launched at the 2010 Festival of Literature.


When I asked Isobel about how she achieves the sense of time-management, she quickly answers, ‘I am very organized.  I hate clutter.  With five children, I made sure that as a mother, I was a good planner.  I had to be a planner for gym, school, extracurricular activities of kids’.


It was interesting to know from Isobel that the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature was established out of a conversation at a ladies lunch.  ‘Does Dubai have a Literary Festival?’  ‘No’, said Isobel to the question.  That’s how the whole idea was born!  2013 will be the festival’s fifth year of celebration and hats off to Isobel for making the event so successful.  She is someone who works every single day of the week – up to eight or ten hours a day.  She is a person who does not believe in days off.  She can recharge her batteries very fast.  Wow!  ‘I read through the night, I’m addicted to books.  At least three hours a day, I must read.  I love this addiction’, Isobel told me with absolute certainty.  As the co-host of ‘Talking of Books’, that is broadcast weekly on Dubai Eye 103.8 FM – Isobel finds enjoyment to spend Saturday afternoons, conducting this show.


Awarded the Cultural Personality of the Year by Dr. H. H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Sharjah in 2010 and an OBE by H. M. Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain in 2012, Isobel has received official recognition of her tireless campaign to improve literacy and a love of books, particularly for children.


Finally, as our interview was drawing close to an end, I asked Isobel, ‘What’s your message for my readers?  How do you feel after receiving such prestigious awards?’  Isobel simply said, ‘If you do anything, open that door of books of reading.  Change even one person to read.  Kindle is not a replacement for books.’ About the awards, the lady was reflecting and said, ‘The awards I received, my parents, they would have loved them.  My mother would have danced in the air.  It is wonderful to get public recognition.  We work because we want to’.  I had one more question for her.  ‘What is it that you have learnt from life?’ I asked.  Isobel smiled and replied, ‘There’s the saying, behind every cloud there is a silver lining.  My experience is if one door closes, another door opens’.


Isobel and myself shook hands and I walked past the very sunny courtyard, now experiencing the noon’s intense heat.  I was thinking of the bustling Emirates Airline Festival of Literature – 2013.  Apart from the well-spent hours with Isobel Abulhoul, I was additionally excited, very excited to be a part of the international event!


Q1. What has been the turning point of your life?

A. Coming to Dubai in 1968 changed the map of my life.  Dubai has been home ever since and in a strange way, I felt I had come home when I first arrived.


Q2. If you could go back in time, what would you want to do?

A. I would not change anything.  Of course, I have made a large number of mistakes in the course of my life so far, but I think that this is part of the process of becoming who we are.


Q3. What are your future dreams?

A. I firmly believe that we should embrace ‘now’ and make the most of it.  I do dream, but actually living each moment is much more exciting.  I suppose most of my dreaming is actually escape into the world of books where any dream is possible.


Extended & Enlarged version of Ms. Isobel Abulhoul – Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.


Professional Background: Founder of Magrudy’s Bookstore, Dubai, UAE. Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.  Co-Host of the weekly radio programme Talking Of Books on 103.8 FM.


Awarded the Cultural Personality of the Year by Dr. H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Sharjah in 2010.  An OBE by H.M. Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain in 2012.  Awarded the Cultural Personality of the year by Dr. H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and the Ruler of Sharjah in 2015.


Q1. In your view, what is most important in life?  Accordingly, name three aspects, important in life.

A. 1.The most important thing in my life is my family. Time is fleeting and with each passing day I realize how much they mean to me.
2. Books take second place, and bring pleasure into each new day.
3. Work, which is never work, but a joy and a challenge.


Q2. If you were not doing what you are doing now, what would you be doing?

A. I believe it would be connected to books, reading and education. There is so much choice in terms of careers in publishing, but I also have a secret desire to write – one day!


Q3. What motivates you to achieve your goal?

A. Once I have committed to something, I have a strong desire to make it work, and to not let anyone down, including myself. There is also a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction, when goals are achieved. I realized early on in my life, that nothing in life is achieved without a huge amount of hard, hard work!


Q4. How do you handle stress and pressure?

A. By giving myself time off. I swim and try and fit that in every day. Taking time to do nothing is really important for creativity. When your mind is relaxed, sometimes the best ideas can occur. Massage is a great stress reliever, as is meditation.  Never forget the power of laughter, either.


Q5. Which of your qualities would you want to pass down to your child/children?

A. Honesty, the importance of family, a strong work ethic, contributing to making the world a better place, no matter how small your contribution, plus the courage to follow your dreams.


Q6. Who is your favourite author?  Which book of your favourite author have you enjoyed the best?

A. My favourite author is Ernest Hemingway and of his books, For Whom the Bell Tolls, is my favourite book. However, I have hundreds of favourite books and everyyear, a book or two is added to my list.


Q7. What are you pursuing currently, by the way of a light hobby, or by the way of a serious goal?

A. Currently, I am busy with a new grandchild and that takes precedence over everything else. To have a little one in your life and witness him grow and develop is magical.  I would like to achieve a better work life balance, and build in time to write, but think realistically that may not be achievable during the next year or so.


Q8. In the last 1 year, is your particular goal advancing? Which is that goal/dream?

A. My particular goal is to enjoy each day and relish what all the moments, small and large that fills our lives.


Extended & Enlarged version of Ms. Isobel Abulhoul – Founder-Director of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE.


Q1. What is unique about your work / business?

A. The Emirates Literature Foundation is unique in many ways. The annual Festival of Literature is the only one in the Arab world, and now is recognized as one of the top international literary festivals in the world.
Festival happens once a year, but we have many initiatives that happen year-round, and have helped us build up culture of literature, to encourage the love of reading, and provide a nucleus for the network of like-minded people and organizations.


Q2What do you need in your workspace to help you stay focused?
A. I believe in making to-do-lists, daily. I divide the list into a matrix of four, using urgent, important, not important, and not urgent. My focus is always on urgent and important. Our organization is very creative, and so frequent discussions and brainstorming meetings are vital.


Q3How do you balance your work and personal life?
A. I have such a passion for what I do that it can be difficult to maintain a work-life balance. The lines between the two are blurred. Family is hugely important to me, and I love spending time with my grandchildren. They are the future and time with them is a supreme joy. 


Q4Do you view your work / business as a kind of spiritual practice in any way?  If so, in which way?
A. What I do is build on my passion for literature.  Books feed my soul, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than discovering a new writer, whose book will become a dear friend, discussing books with likeminded people and marvel at the influence that the written word can have on us.


Q5How do you use social media as a person of your stature?
A. I use social media to keep up to date with news, the world at large and trends.
I think there is a danger for us all that we spend too much time on social media, rather than focusing deeply on books and essays. 


Q6.  What traits do you value most in your career, or in your personal life?
A.  Discovery and adventure are valuable to me in all aspects of my life. 


Q7.  Since disappointments and failures are a part of our life, through your own share of them – have you added any lessons of learning for yourself?
A. Failure is a key part of success. We need to fail to learn. We need to accept failure and find the reasons why and add those to our knowledge bank for the future.


Q8.  What are your biggest strengths as a professional / entrepreneur / writer / social worker etc.?
A. I am an entrepreneur and so I think one of my strengths is being open to opportunities, allowing myself to dream and never being other than optimistic about achieving those goals. Most importantly, I love what I do.


Q9What are you most proud of in your career so far?
A. I have been single-minded in my vision: to help nourish young people, to open that magic door into the world of books and allow them to enjoy reading and become lifelong readers. 


Q10. What is the definition of success for you and what does success mean to you?
A. Success is achieving your goals and building a team of like-minded people, who bring their unique strengths and insights to deliver organizational success. 


Q11. Mention three of your favourite quotes.
A. ‘The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection’ George Orwell 
‘I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.’ W.B. Yeats
‘There is no friend as loyal as a book.’ Ernest Hemingway


The above eleven question form a part of the latest interview taken in June 2022. The diarist, Geeta Chhabra, took the earlier interviews in August 2012 & January 2016 for www.geetachhabra.com