Geeta Chhabra's poems translated by
Dr. Shihab Ghanem and published
in Al Rafed Magazine on September 2011

Ramadan Kareem
(My Dawn-Prayer)

The words of a prayer are never lost.
How fair is my demand!
The scene is laid.
In prayer I am enlarged.

Greet me, O, hidden angels.
Greet me with permanent gifts:
Of my ignorance turning into wisdom.
Of my desires turning into contentment.
Of my restlessness turning into peace.

The words of a prayer are never lost.
How fair is my demand!
The scene is laid.
It is the month of Ramadan.

Geeta Chhabra

The month of Ramadan holds special importance since the Qur’an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad during this month. In certain parts of the world, including the United Arab Emirates, the phrase used to greet during Ramadan is ‘Ramadan Kareem’, meaning: ‘Ramadan is generous’.