Salaam to the world of knowledge & Emirates Airlines…
(From Left to Right) – Jessica De’Costa, Avril, Enas Hassan, Ashleigh Copp.
With poetry and friendship…
Viewing the scene from the highest tower of the world: Burj Khalifa (Dubai, UAE)
At the highest point of Burj Khalifa…
(From Left to Right) – Anil Dharker, Geeta Chhabra, Amy Fernandes.
In the Green Room…
(From Left to Right) – Isobel Abulhoul, Shobha De, Geeta Chhabra, Jeffery Deaver.
Emirates Airline Festival of Literature 2013 means priority to children…
Geeta Chhabra with Charis (School Educator) and children at the Poetry Workshop at Repton School,
Before the start of UAE Inspired Session…
Geeta Chhabra
Coffee break in the Green Room…
(From Left to Right) – Geeta Chhabra, Julia Johnson, Lea Sellers.
LitFest 2013 celebrates happiness…
(From Left to Right) – Kate Adie, John Deykin.
The rewards of a successful festival…
Christina Bruce
Portraits of international bonding…
(From Left to Right) – Geeta Chhabra, Kamal Abdel-Malek, Liz Fenwick.

And so we’ve caught up finally with our actual identities…
(From Left to Right) – Becky Kilsby, Geeta Chhabra.
The Desert’s meaning is Poetry…
A Falcon with Geeta Chhabra, Ruan Botha (the trainer)
Before the starting of Desert Stanzas…
(From Left to Right) – Geoff Dyer, Geeta Chhabra.
Watching the performance of a traditional group of Emiratis…
(From Left to Right) – Willie Harcourt-Cooze, Lea Sellers.
A guest joining the traditional group of Emiratis welcoming poets-authors…
The great Sir Maurice Flanagan… He has enhanced the strength of Emirates Airline Festival of Literature.
In God’s land… a true ruler sits with his subjects… long live this Ruler…
(From Left to Right) – Isobel Abulhoul, H. H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum –
UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.