The Main Characters
(Of a Revolution)

A mother beats her hands
against her breasts.
The father bows his head
to memorize the age of the corpse.
The one-eyed gaze of their daughter
Screens the death-scene.
He was a warrior fighting oppression.
He was a son. He was her brother.
A few paces forward,
A small crowd’s voices
Gather a nervous intensity.
Shrill cries arise.
Human columns are on the move,
Chanting, “Come on! Come on!
Mount up your guns.
The corrupt will be seen fleeing.”
Civilians have turned into soldiers.
They shout, “Let’s not pause anymore
Under the cover of cowardice.
Freedom! Freedom! Awaits!”
The one-eyed gaze of the girl
Is watching over the horrified state
Of the corpse.
Her brother was young as seventeen.

20 September 2011

Geeta Chhabra

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