Event in Self-Celebration


Think about this idea.


Let’s arrange a tea-party.
We will spruce ourselves up,
To discuss civil liberties,
And reflect on human rights.
Let’s arrange a tea-party.


We’ll talk about freedom, slavery,
How they compose our daily lives.
Why it matters to feel self-respect,
In context of our everyday vows.
Let’s arrange a tea-party.


The bawdy speeches of politicians,
Rob us from our own counsel.
We’ll try figuring out,
The way to deal with corruption.
Let’s arrange a tea-party.


We’ll insist on the damage done
By over-indulgent parents.
We’ll probe why parents are frightened,
To refuse their erring children.
Let’s arrange a tea-party.


We’ll browse over ideas
How to face old age.
I don’t want to be picked up
And dumped into an ‘old home’.
Let’s have a tea-party.


We’ve got to let it all show.
The view of our many deceptions.
I mean, dignity is pretence,
If we can’t hear ourselves.
Let’s arrange a tea-party.


We will not brood over our failures.
We will break bread together:
Turning masterful through the realities.
We will be relieved though furious.
Let’s have a tea-party.


You know, it can be self-rewarding
To surrender ourselves to truth, alone.
Promise to come.
I’ll speak.  You’ll speak.  We’ll all speak,
Let’s arrange a tea-party.



15th September 2011


Geeta Chhabra


From the book: No Journey Ends by Geeta Chhabra

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