In This Spirit


I am looking for a candle,
To light up the sky.
So thought I,
Wandering in the growing darkness…
Tears in my blazing eyes.


How will it be then,
The sky so bleak and grey?
The horizon which is a dot
In the uncertain distance,
Will it be a sight of daybreak?


I’ve never tried before,
Lighting up the sky,
With just a candle.
In the unruffled glow,
I hope to see peace in sight.


There is life in my silence.
There is meaning to my grief.
I am destined to live
In a newer world.
Yes, that’s what it is.


The sun took away my head,
For vagrant offerings,
Against many scattered lies.
I read the writing on the wall,
So visible and alive.


Now, I am looking for a candle,
To light up the sky.
So thought I,
Wandering in the growing darkness…
Tears in my blazing eyes.


9th November 2012


Geeta Chhabra

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