The Way I Feel

(Lines for Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, Dr. Shihab Ghanem, Dr. Qais Ghanem and all the peace activists of the world)

My caste.
My creed.
For what they have been,
Belong to the fact:
Wherever I see a mosque,
A church, a shrine,
Or, a synagogue.
Their images come readily created
As many Houses of God…
Where in the name of pure freedom:
I bow. I bow. I bow.

I hope.
I pray.
Not at a gun-point,
I will strip my faith.
Give me the touch of all gospels!
They plainly state:
Never in the grip of blind-beliefs,
One is a devout Hindu, Jew,
Christian, Muslim or Buddhist.
Realizing this, I would never dare
To break the sacred code of any scripture.

We all know:
From the violence of the ‘main-few’,
Brews the wrath in entire nations.
We also know:
It is of no consideration to ‘them’ –
Why the young die so young –
Killed while picking strawberries,
Or, on their way to school.
How the trays of love and laughter,
Are easily snatched away!
From our sons, daughters, grand-children.

For us, only scarlike memories remain,
In the preparation of fear,
Or, digging fresh new graves.
I am not sure,
Where the passion of hatred –
Flaring more vengeance,
Will lead us all to…
In the name of hope for peace –
High up, God’s image remains.
In His knowledge alone,
I bow. I bow. I bow.

12th February 2011

Geeta Chhabra

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