The Longing


Let the beauty we love be what we do.
- Rumi


There is bliss in realizing.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
I say to myself:
‘Rise! Rise!
Rise when you stoop,
Rise further when you soar.
Rise above every churlish occurrence.
Erase the haze of self-deception.
Cast away all doubts.
The things you can do are capable
Of swift miracles.
You can touch the skies!
Come! Come!
You can come out of the circle of time.
Peel off the mask of frailty.
Fresh as rain!
You can see the Unseen –
In hopes and desires:
Of a heart filled with pure deeds.
An eye keen from morn to night,
Honouring righteous beings.
A body bent to hear the pain of sufferers.
A mouth, open to stand for truth.
A brow gathering tranquility.
A face upon whose cheek rests gratitude.
A fortune ascending – not forgetting humanity.
A spirit that values self-worth.
And all the rest we love in beauty…
Come! Come!
Rise! Rise!
Let’s change the world.


Let the beauty we love be what we do.



9th August 2013

Geeta Chhabra

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