Allah has said: Ask from Me through mentioning My names. Mentioning His names with absolute firm faith, without thoughts interrupting or disturbing the single-minded thought of Allah will please the Almighty, most. The repetition of the Almighty’s names with the understanding that there is no god but Him, there is only One God, will help us in all our prayers.
Allah is: The Source of Peace.
Allah is: The Protector.
Allah is: The Creator.
Allah is: The Evolver.
Allah is: The Forgiver.
Allah is: The Healer.
Allah is: The All-Hearing.
Allah is: The Subtle One.
Allah is: The Most High.
Allah is: The Most Great.
Allah is: The Protecting Friend.
Allah is: The Finder.
Allah is: The All-Knowing.
Allah is: The Guardian of Faith.
Allah is: The Bestower.
Allah is: The Preserver.
Allah is: The Generous One.
Allah is: The Reckoner.
Allah is: The Maintainer.
Allah is: The First.
Allah is: The Last.
Allah has many, many, many other names!
Geeta Chhabra