In Retrospection

The resolution to live in a certain way is a move to commitment. Unless one learns to pursue the resolution with sincerity, the commitment will fail. Unavoidably there are differences in our days. Some days are warm and encouraging, others are moderately difficult; then, there are days that unhinge us completely. Though this drill is familiar to each of us, yet, we all behave differently to a given situation. From there to here, in the last six months, what had I achieved? I was asking myself. I wasn’t brooding; the interrogation arose as a part of self-improvement and the question served a therapeutic function, as well. Keeping with the hectic grind, crossing to and fro, the challenging spheres of duty, hospitality, amidst heavy-thinking-decision-making, and blindingly trapped in the partying-circuit: I had managed this period with remarkable ease. In varying degrees, I saw the futility in certain non-essential-essential activities; certainly they were not my cup of tea. However, through these futilities, I learnt some worthy lessons of wisdom and patience. For me these six months automatically took the responsibility to educate me greatly. What I especially retain is the meaning of almost-undisrupted calm and the familiar presence of “growing” faith in my Gurus and God. The addictive pull of meditation and yogic exercises, along with a regular time spread for spiritual reading, wholly gave me the confidence that it was altogether possible to carry on with the disciplined routine, no matter how the days unfold. Undoubtedly, month by month, this trend has added sovereign value to every moment of my living.


Geeta Chhabra


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