Sleeping With The Enemy

Are you helping the enemy… your enemy? Are you on a collision course with your own well-being? Are you getting caught up in the fishing tackle of your old habits, once again? Is your attitude back, claiming to give you its share of ignorance? In other words, are you sleeping with the enemy? Through auto-suggestion, we need to speak to our condition, rather than concede to our own failings of giving up. Below, are two typical cases for studying:

Case number I. “It took a lot of blood and sweat to lose those kilos,” spews a plump woman in her early forties. “Now, I’m faced with the threat of fluctuating blood-pressure and see, I’ve put back every ounce of what I’d shed.” Then she goes on to launch an attack on her mother-in-law. “Well, the real problem is my mom-in-law. She was hospitalized and I’d be sitting there putting in long hours. My diet went off completely. What did they expect that I should have starved to death! I had to live on snacks from the hospital’s canteen. Everyone is looking at my size now and wondering what happened! I’m telling you, my mom-in-law has been my doom.” Listening to the lady, I wanted to tell her: Narrate this story two hundred times more, may be I’ll try to get the version, you want.

Case number II. “I just thought, it would be cool to take a few puffs. It had been more than seven years since I touched a cigarette. Now I’m back like a chimney. Our marriage has reached the critical level, my wife is pregnant and she can’t even tolerate my presence, leave alone my company. She’s most upset with my smoking. Now my friends are having the last laugh.”

Both cases are also admissions of having been affected by: public gaze or public attention. Both the specimens in discussion, need to urge their minds to look into larger dimensions. Much more important for them to realize now is that they have disrupted the path of their progress and having done that, what do they think of themselves? I guess, it’s easier to judge than be judged. But, I’m also asking, is it only through our disastrous acts, we must grow? Like sleeping with the enemy!

Geeta Chhabra

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