Tata Group’s Gift to Remember
(A Rs. 350 crore not-for-profit Cancer Hospital in Kolkata, India)


Koel is singing.
Koel is dancing.
Held in analytic order:
Koel is released from death’s drama,
Koel is Cancer-Free!
Healers of Koel –
Koel is smiling at you…

Before this goes into print – a film made for the Tata Group has already gone on air, across 30 television channels all over India and parts of Asia. Translated from English to Hindi and seven other Indian regional languages, the irresistibly moving film recounts in point of fact the journey of a 9 year old girl, Koel Dutta, diagnosed with Leukemia. Koel made it and her life is no more a mere castle in the air! The film-makers exemplified the power of communication, the power of conveying a breathtaking message… I was filled with tears of sadness and happiness produced from the impression of Koel – all in a matter of one minute.

Kudos to Vibha Bakshi, Geeta Gopalakrishnan for their strong sense of finesse and cheers to Abhishek Yamsanwar for distinctly showing us who Koel is.

Geeta Chhabra

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