Training in Faith

Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9 – Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock.


Without flinching, we should ask, seek, knock…  In that way, among human beings the highest merit means having rocklike faith in our prayers.


How soon are we fortunate enough to realize the meaning of these famous, golden lines?  Many are the things we know about, but fail to practice.  Yes, there are some rules to observe, before the capacity of these words can be experienced.


Matthew 21:22 – And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.


There is unimaginable scope in: believing.


Geeta Chhabra


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