Learning Good Lessons

A bunch of reminders are usually waiting for me, every week; they are the same reminders piercing my attention to inspect if I am taking the right steps to achieve: spiritual growth. This is alike to opening your closet and making it tidy and neat – neat enough that you can make space for the essentials and discard the rubbish. To pursue this plan, it needs regularity and determination.

Nowadays most of us are occupied in pursuing a mad race because everybody is pursuing that mad race. To mint a fortune, to keep two ends together can go on – no harm in that. But what kind of a follow-up, or assistance are we promoting for our spiritual growth?

What makes my plan tick? I follow a two-pronged strategy. The first strategy sets the pace for me to be regular and determined. The second strategy sets my pace with my revered Guru Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s teachings. Tailored for immense potential, his teachings on a broad base make me question myself with those bunch of reminders, every week. Am I following the routine which is prescribed by my Guru? Am I keeping up with the energizing exercises? Am I meditating regularly? Am I allotting sometime to reading: material of spiritual content and trying to insert the text of it in my daily life’s actions? Am I writing to express and assimilate the word of gurus and God? Am I participating in some traditions of charity? How is my graph looking? Where is it sliding and where is it ascending?

I can openly share my experience and say – Learning. Studying. Following: Good Lessons from phase to phase can bring an unknown force of positive energy and peace.

Geeta Chhabra

Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji is regarded as one of the greatest contemporary saint. He founded Yogoda Satsanga Society in India / Self-Realization Fellowship in U.S.A. as the channels for the dissemination of his teachings. Through his writings and extensive lecture tours in India, America, and Europe, as well as through the creation of numerous ashrams and meditation centres, he introduced thousands of truth-seekers to the ancient science and philosophy of Yoga and its universally applicable methods of meditation. Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji entered mahasamadhi on March 7, 1952 in Los-Angeles, America.

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