Career Fair 2017 at Emirates International School-Meadows, Dubai

The Career Fair on 18th October 2017 at Emirates International School-Meadows in Dubai was vibrating with energy – it will remain a memorable memory for me.  Truly, the school has an international essence because I personally interacted with students who hailed from Egypt, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, USA.  The idea of the event was to give the students of Grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 – exposure to the conception and perception of: career planning.  The message of the event to the students was: “Yes, you CAN Achieve!”


It was a morning session which lasted for about four hours, and since the environment was about teaching and learning – it empowered every individual over there.  It was apparent that the school’s leadership is focused to drive the students with a sense of free-spirit.  The children were asking very purposeful questions regarding Human Services – this was the topic I chose out of the list of topics given by Colleen Menichini-Careers Advisor at Emirates International School.   I also got the chance to exchange brief dialogues with Steven Hughes-Deputy Principal of the school. Then, there were parents of Aman Patnaik of Grade 10 – to have an interaction with.


The children asked me how Human Services had influenced my life; how Human Services gives me the scope to be an international author.  I met two kids who are already into writing short stories! I encouraged all the children to keep their dreams alive with passion, and follow their hearts with deep dedication.  I stressed the value of education.  I stressed how vital it was to follow the advice of parents and teachers.  I also invited the students to be a part of my family on my blog / site


I am honoured that my books will be a part of the Emirates International school library!  What a privilege for me! 


Indeed! It was a lovely event. 


Kindly click on to view some of the photos of the event.


To know more about Emirates International School-Meadows, Dubai, kindly click on

Geeta Chhabra


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