Lines On A Tested Formula

At this point of my life, I am though more attracted to gaze passively at a landscape’s quiet offerings – forces which are lacking the presence of tranquility keep pulling me towards them.

Now I am not trying to give you my portrait as Prince Hamlet! Let me delve on this very briefly. As long as there is life in us – there will be suffering and pain. No prince or pauper is exempted from pain. Similarly, we are all handcuffed to the process of declining health and old age. We are also given shocks by our share of individual circumstances.

Having stated the obvious, I realize – human catastrophes visit every single being on this planet. Calamities or crisis – no matter how big or small, they are seldom detached from the scenes of our daily happenings.

By that I mean, it is evident, each of us must learn to co-exist with our separate karmic world of past and present…worlds dictated by unreasonable bosses, cheating spouses, errant and ungrateful children, gossiping relatives, nefarious politicians, dishonest law makers, jealous competitors, frustrating socio-cultural systems… all of those staring into our faces with engaging questions of justice denied… the list is endless! The world is cold and brutal… which is a reality. That said:

Is there any certainty of a good experience lasting, forever? NOPE.

The only certainty in life is the certainty of death? YUP.

Should we give up on life? NO. NEVER.

I believe: What doesn’t kill you – it only makes you strong.

I believe: Three main reasons to success and lasting contentment are to give configuration to – honesty, love and truth. I have tried living by this formula. It has worked for me!

Is there hope for us in life? YES! Y-E-S.

Live by honesty, love and truth.

Life is to be celebrated.

Geeta Chhabra

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