A Piece on “inner peace”

In our worlds, we are all back together, accepting reluctantly, or helplessly the unrest around us; every family has a sad bickering story to tell of a rebel, a divorce, or a run-down business.  In the fullest sense most old parents are lonely:  children finding little time and love for them.  Joint-families are simply not working out, anymore; a vast number of joint-families are ‘joint by hatred’, and no different than hell-holes.  (The possibilities of imagining hell-holes are limitless).  It is unthinkable that people will not run after money and stress; over our first cup of tea / coffee we are invaded by a hectic grind looming around us.  Not a single person on the road, in the trains seems calm.  Those driven by chauffers in uniforms have problems that roll different dimensions.  So what is our headline act?  Is the line between us and our lives a battle: over and over again?


Please, do listen up! My dear readers.  The real problems of our world are not only poverty, pollution, social injustice, global warming etcetra etcetra.  In the pattern we are moving as a society: we are reacting-not-reacting blindly to our situation.  We must be clear on one issue, which is, that we are lacking “inner peace”.  If the topic on “inner peace” is raised, save for a few persons, most will leave the room; to avoid negative votes, I decided to write about it, rather than speak in a room! What is “inner peace”?  How can it be achieved?  What will it do for us?  When a condition establishes its “identity” within us, then, it becomes a part of us; depending on the condition’s positivity or negativity — the outcome will show its effect on us.  Obviously, the advantage of “inner peace” lies in being positive.  The usefulness of “inner peace” means eliminating extreme response to extreme situations; making sincere attempts to understand an opponent; ‘defending’ the right to do the right thing; remaining ‘prepared’ to leave the results to God Almighty at all times, and doing one’s best in any given circumstances. 


There are dominant theories on how one can achieve “inner peace” and I am in no position to elaborate or argue on those.  Personally, I have chosen the kind that is working very well for me; I study, practice and enjoy: the non-sectarian principles and techniques of meditation by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji (a great contemporary saint, who passed away in California in 1952).  My respected Guru conveys the full meaning of “inner peace” through a certain specific spiritual routine.  I will say this to you, “Take lessons in Picasso’s style of painting, take lessons in sushi-making. But, if you take lessons from Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji, you will be rock ‘n’ rolling!  I am! What will “inner peace” do for us?  I have answered for myself, at least.  INNER  PEACE  MAKES  ME  RISE  ABOVE  MY  CIRCUMSTANCES.


Geeta Chhabra


A Note of Annotations.


Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s Collected Talks and Essays present in-depth discussions of the wide range of inspiring and universal truths that have captivated millions.  Through the works of this God-filled seer and philosopher, poet and writer, the readers can find all embracing wisdom and encouragement to awaken their souls.  It was in 1946, Yoganandaji published his life story through the book: Autobiography of a Yogi.  It has since been translated into twenty-five languages.  In 1999, the book was designated one of the “100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century” by a panel of spiritual authors convened by Philip Zaleski and HarperCollins publishers.


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