Old and New Visions

Though I immensely enjoy writing, there are long spells when I am not writing.  There were instances when I was so distracted with duties or travel that I found it difficult to concentrate.  The gaps when nothing was written must have, however, stored ideas which later are shaped into meaningful emotions.  I cannot dismiss the serious aspect of life that I learnt some lessons by making mistakes.  Sometimes, in disruption, I found connections.  At that time, I might have grasped specific answers from an upheaval and later composed poems based on that period.  I have realized that life has a dual character; from one hand if it takes, from the other hand it gives to keep the delicate balance so that we can nurture sanity.  As my comrades, ‘old’ and ‘new’ visions chose a kind of realism within which I evolved.  I discovered that I could be resilient in exercising my imagination to inquire and express the changes I went through year by year with my changing circumstances.  In this total attention, the poems became aspects in terms of my growing up.  To look back from the present, some of the lyrics display the direct time about the poems – some as recent as this year.


From the book:  No Journey Ends by Geeta Chhabra

Geeta Chhabra


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