
Waahiba Nadeem Siddiqui of Grade 8C from Indian International School, Dubai Silicon Oasis, came up on the stage for SGI-Gulf’s 2017 event: Poetic Heart Connecting Humanity to raise her feelings through her poem: Outcry! 


I loved Waahiba’s verse for her human values, her poem uttered words of pure maturity.


… Being a woman or a girl child,
What in this is a horrendous crime? 
People are killed for taking a stand,
Against all the things that ruin our land.
We aim for the best but just don’t realize,
That the real problem is right in front of our eyes…


Waahiba is less than 14 years of age.  A child is questioning. She is already aware that things have gone wrong with our world.  On the basis of her poem, Waahiba is already a philosopher, I think.

Geeta Chhabra


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