Fire Fighting Precautions in UAE

For any problems – human resources and the community are vital. Who could be better than UAE in recognizing this aspect? The civil defense chiefs are moving with speed to implement a practical and swift campaign in preventing / arresting fire accidents in buildings of UAE.  According to estimations, 70% of fires are caused by either electrical short circuits, or, by materials stacked in balconies. Careless smokers can also create fire hazards by throwing burning cigarette stubs from their balconies. 


Experts feel that people at all levels must be trained by firefighting conferences to solve the grave problem which may arise. Residents of buildings, school teachers at schools, and professionals in companies – they need to be trained. Through training, security-staff in buildings will get sharper. Better awareness is required by the citizens, themselves.


Besides, the government is aiming for opening more fire stations, enhancing quality standards of products used in buildings – including, uniformity-schemes that focus on fire safety and certification for installing fire prevention products. 

Geeta Chhabra


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