My Wish

According to newspaper reports, Arsh Shah Dilbagi, a Grade 12 pupil from the state of Haryana (India) is now among 15 shortlisted for the Google Science Fair Award 2014.

The Panipat lad has invented 'Talk', an innovative augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device to help patients of the dreaded disease: ALS or Lou Gehrig which affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Through the invention of Arsh Shah Dilbagi, patients can speak through their breath, Wow!

I wish! I wish! A wizard like Arsh Shah Dilbagi can invent a device by which human hearts from around the world are enabled to have a "complete power to bring peace," so that the highest level of understanding and harmony can prevail upon our enraged war-torn planet.

Geeta Chhabra

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